If you encounter this error upon installing our addon, here are the items you need to look into:
If you unzipped the folder, make sure all the folders/files are in the proper directory or path.
Check your error_log, this log is usually found on the parent directory of your cart or on your public_html folder.
"Cannot be decoded by this version of the ionCube Loader. If you are the administrator of this site then please install the latest version of the ionCube Loader in Unknown on line 0."
If you encounter this error, it means that you have an outdated IonCube Loader that is not compatible with your PHP Version, It is best to always install the latest version. Please see http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php.
If you want to know your IonCube Loader version, you may check out your PHP Info.
To View your PHP Info, Just go to Logs.
Then on the upper right corner, click on the settings icon.
You can always purchase our Professional Installation Service so we can check if your IonCube is compatible with your PHP Version and do the addon installation for you.
Thank you!