Here's a brief information about Pipedrive CRM.
Our Pipedrive Integration Addon makes it easy for you to sync your data to your Pipedrive CRM.
All you have to do is provide your Pipedrive API Token which is found under your Account > Settings > API.
You will also need to provide your Default Organization Name, if this name does not yet exist on your organizations list on your Pipedrive account, our addon will automatically create the organization.
Every customer or user that registers or purchases on your cart will automatically be registered as a 'Person' to your Pipedrive. The addon checks if that user/name already exists and syncs the data, if not the user will be added.
We also have logs to show the Persons who has been added successfully or if there are issues connecting to the server.
You will also have the option to clear the logs.
That's it!