If you can access everything else but your web site your IP
has quite likely been blacklisted.
This it's a security mechanism on our Server to prevent bots hacking your web site or cPanel via brute force. After 5 unsuccessful log in attempts from the same IP our Firewall will block the IP. Once we whitelist your IP this particular IP will not longer be blocked however with most internet providers you will have a dynamic IP which changes so this will be white listed again.
What can I do to prevent it? As an IP will ONLY be blocked after 5 unsuccessful attempts there must be something trying to connect from your IP this could be a forgotten email account with a wrong password, wrong cPanel or CS-Cart log in so best to go trough anything on that IP and check.
You can also request a static IP from your internet provider so it can be white listed once and it will never be blocked again.
Please note this will affect only your IP the web site will work
fine for everyone else.
To get your IP white listed please provide us your IP ( google what's my IP if you don't know how to find it)
Please create a Trouble Ticket in the Help Desk and choose Type: Server Issues and don't forget to state your IP
Here is a web site where you can check whether it's only you or everyone who as a problem.